Day 20: Ruth 1

Daily Bible Reading (Click play for dramatic audio or click here to for text version)

Devotional Guide (Click play to start audio narration)

The storyline of Abraham’s family and the promises God made to them pick up in the book of Ruth. This story shows us how God is involved in the day to day joys and hardships of our life. God wants us to walk with Him as Adam and Eve walked with him in the “cool of the day.” He wants us to realize that He is actively involved in aspects of our life that we would least expect Him to be. In this book we see the living out of this cultural practice taught in the Torah involving a “Kinsman Redeemer.”

The “Kinsman Redeemer” referred to someone who would marry a widow and protect her by providing for her family’s future. This idea of a family redeemer is a foreshadowing of what the Messiah would be. One from the family line that would rescue His people from their distress. This story also connects the family line of the Messiah with Ruth and King David.

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