Day 18: Joshua 1

Daily Bible Reading (Click play for dramatic audio or click here to for text version)

Devotional Guide (Click play to start audio narration)

The story continues with the book of Joshua. Joshua was the successor of Moses and God’s choice to lead the people into the promise land. Remember the promise land was a physical land for Israel but it was also a picture of our spiritual journey. God tells them “every place the sole of your foot shall walk on, that I have given you.”

It was very important to them and it is very important for us to know that everything thing good in our lives is a gift. We cannot take credit for the territory God gives us. This was physical territory for Israel but for us it is also spiritual territory. Whatever blessing, maturity or growth we may experience is a gift from God. God’s grace is when He empowers us to be or to do something that we could not do without Him. He tells them to fix their eyes on something very specific. He calls it the “book of the law.” This is the scroll or the writings of the Torah.

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