Day 46: John 18

Daily Bible Reading (Click play for dramatic audio or click here to for text version)

Devotional Guide (Click play to start audio narration)

As Jesus said in His prayer to the Father “now the time has come.” As Jesus would later tell His disciples…

“O foolish ones [sluggish in mind, dull of perception] and slow of heart to believe (adhere to and trust in and rely on) everything that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary and essentially fitting that the Christ (the Messiah) should suffer all these things before entering into His glory (His majesty and splendor)?

(Luke 24:25-26 AMPC)

The prophesies were all about to come true. The spotless, innocent lamb of the Passover was about to be wrongly judged for crimes He had not committed. The God of the universe was about to be on trial.

Then Jesus, knowing all that was about to befall Him, went out to them and said, Whom are you seeking? [Whom do you want?]

(John 18:4 AMPC)

The events that were about to follow were not an accident. They were the plan of God from the beginning of time. Jesus referred to it as the “cup which my Father has given Me.” This would include His closest disciples both betraying and denying Him.

The Arrest of Jesus and Peter’s Denial (5:45)

Hundreds of years before Christ all of this was predicted in the book of Isaiah, chapter 53.

“By oppression and judgment He was taken away; and as for His generation, who among them considered that He was cut off out of the land of the living [stricken to His death] for the transgression of my [Isaiah's] people…”

(Isaiah 53:8 AMPC)

My Kingdom is Not of This World (3:25)

Pilate directly asks Jesus if He is a King and Jesus makes it clear that anyone who is “of the truth,” hears and listens to His voice.

Pilate said to Him, Then You are a King? Jesus answered, You say it! [You speak correctly!] For I am a King. [Certainly I am a King!] This is why I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the Truth. Everyone who is of the Truth [who is a friend of the Truth, who belongs to the Truth] hears and listens to My voice.

(John 18:37 AMPC)

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