Day 34: John 3

Daily Bible Reading (Click play for dramatic audio or click here to for text version)

Devotional Guide (Click play to start audio narration)

Now that we have summarized the storyline of Jesus’ life through the Gospel of Luke, we will begin to highlight some of His key teachings and miracles. It is important to understand how unique this man was in all of human history and the only way I know to best help you understand that is to expose you to how He taught and related to others. We will begin with the inauguration of His public ministry and the small group He called to live with Him day in and day out, becoming His disciples.

As we covered in Luke, John the Baptist was uniquely chosen by God to prepare the way for Israel to recognize their Messiah. In the next video we will see Him recognizing Jesus as the Lamb of God. We will use videos from the Gospel of John Movie that are word for word accurate to the book of John in the New Testament. There is nothing added or subtracted from Hollywood in these clips as the script acted out is taken directly from the Bible.

Jesus Gathers Disciples (5:06)

Jesus had a way of miraculously revealing things about people that only they would know. He taught with authority in a way that caused people to know there was something special about this man.

“…the crowds were astonished and overwhelmed with bewildered wonder at His teaching, For He was teaching as One Who had [and was] authority, and not as [did] the scribes.

(Matthew 7:28-29 AMPC)

He seemed to personally care about people in a way that looked into their soul. He said and did things in humility but with the confidence of a man who was in perfect union with God. He did many miracles including telling crippled people to stand-up take up their bed and walk, and miraculously they were immediately healed and able to walk, sometimes for the first time in their lives. One of the Pharisees (strict religious leaders) came to Jesus and said…

“…we know and are certain that You have come from God [as] a Teacher; for no one can do these signs (these wonderworks, these miracles--and produce the proofs) that You do unless God is with him.

(John 3:2 AMPC)

Let’s pick up that story from John 3 using a clip from the Gospel of John Movie.

Talk with Nicodemus (3:24)

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