Day 47: John 19

Daily Bible Reading (Click play for dramatic audio or click here to for text version)

Devotional Guide (Click play to start audio narration)

So Jesus is taken and falsely convicted. Even Pilate himself said that Jesus was innocent and tried to wash his hands of the matter.

And they kept coming to Him and saying, Hail, King of the Jews! [Good health to you! Peace to you! Long life to you, King of the Jews!] And they struck Him with the palms of their hands. [Isa_53:3, Isa_53:5, Isa_53:7] Then Pilate went out again and said to them, See, I bring Him out to you, so that you may know that I find no fault (crime, cause for accusation) in Him.

(John 19:3-4 AMPC)

Jesus Sentenced to be Crucified (5:28)

Imagine a God that cares so much that He comes to Earth and is falsely accused, laughed at, mocked, yet chooses to forgive the very ones that hung Him on the cross. This is the God of the Bible.

The Crucifixion of Jesus (7:28)

John, who wrote this book, personally testifies to witnessing this event and it’s fulfillment in all of the scriptures.

And he who saw it (the eyewitness) gives this evidence, and his testimony is true; and he knows that he tells the truth, that you may believe also. For these things took place, that the Scripture might be fulfilled (verified, carried out), Not one of His bones shall be broken; [Exo_12:46; Num_9:12; Psa_34:20] And again another Scripture says, They shall look on Him Whom they have pierced. [Zec_12:10]
(John 19:35-37 AMPC)

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