Day 42: John 14

Daily Bible Reading (Click play for dramatic audio or click here to for text version)

Devotional Guide (Click play to start audio narration)

In the final hours leading up to the crucifixion, Jesus gives His disciples the most intimate teaching in all of the scriptures concerning His true identity and intent to return to them after His death in the person of the Holy Spirit. They don’t understand what is about to take place and they are anxious about His talking about leaving. He makes it abundantly clear that He is about to leave but that He is going to prepare a dwelling place for them. Philip was very confused and asked Jesus to “How can we know the way?”

“Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me. If you had known Me [had learned to recognize Me], you would also have known My Father. From now on, you know Him and have seen Him. Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father [cause us to see the Father--that is all we ask]; then we shall be satisfied. Jesus replied, Have I been with all of you for so long a time, and do you not recognize and know Me yet, Philip? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say then, Show us the Father?”

(John 14:6-9 AMPC)

Jesus Comforts His Disciples (2:20)

Jesus then begins to describe the relationship between the Father, Himself and the Holy Spirit. They are inseparable because they are one. When you see Jesus you are seeing the Father. When you experience the Spirit you are experiencing both the Father and the Son simultaneously. Jesus as a Human could not be with them when they went in different directions because He was physically tied to a body. He told them that when He physically leaves He will be with them because the Spirit of God would live inside of them.

Jesus Promises The Holy Spirit (2:30)

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